Friday, 25 May 2012

Lasers and "other" devices. Know the difference.

Hairaway Canada uses the Light Sheer Diode and Lumenis One Laser systems in its centre in Unionville.  We have found these systems to be the best available anywhere in the world for Permanent Hair Removal and we are delighted to make these advanced systems available to our clients in Markham and Toronto.

There are many different systems on the market but very few are capable of genuine hair removal.
Laser is an acronym which stands for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Pigments in the hair and hair follicles absorb the light generated by these Lasers and this results in these structures becoming very hot.
The heat generated kills the cells responsible for hair production and this is the reason permanent hair removal is possible.
Only the best lasers are capable of destroying follicle cells without causing unacceptable damage to normal skin. 
Intense Pulsed Light systems, which are commonly used and oft described as Lasers, are indeed not Lasers.

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