Wednesday 29 May 2013

What is Pseudofolliculitis Barbae and can medical laser hair removal at Hairaway Canada provide a long term solution?

What is Pseudofolliculitis Barbae? Firstly this is a real mouthful of word but it is as equally a serious and extremely troubling condition. This blog will attempt to provide an explanation and explain why the medical lasers at Hairaway Canada are able to effectively treat the condition.

Pseudofolliculitis Barbae as described in Wikipedia is also known as the barbers itch and is a medical term for a condition of persistent irritation caused by shaving.


The above photograph taken from Wikipedia shows this medical condition which occurs most often on men or women of African descent or origin.  This condition is most common on the male face but can also occur on other parts of the body where regular shaving or plucking occurs; for example on the pubic region where ingrown hairs are a most common problem. 

After shaving, hair begins to grow back and curly hair in particular tends to curl back into the skin instead of coming out straight. When the hair curls back into the skin, this leads to a swelling and can make the skin look red, like it has pimples and become extremely itchy and sometimes even lead to an infection. All in all a really uncomfortable situation for any person to bear. 

For many years it was not possible to provide any adequate long term remedy for this medical condition and so many sufferers simply either had to let their hairs grow out and then shave infrequently or resort to chemical solutions such the application of Retin A which can lead to a thinning of the skin.

Fortunately for those with Pseudofolliculitis Barbae, Hairaway Canada can offer a long term solution with the use of medical lasers which were built especially to address issues faced by people with darker pigment in their skin and those with this medical condition.

The medical lasers used at Hairaway Canada are extremely powerful and heat up the pigment in the hair to such and extent so as to cause the protein in the cells to denature. Once the cells denature they cannot function and future hair growth has been eliminated. This process of generating heat and targeting it to the hair cell is called selective photothermolysis which means the medical lasers used by Hairaway Canada at its hair removal clinic in Markham 'selectively' targets the pigment in the hair and leaves the pigment in the skin relatively untouched. Because of this key fact, the medical condition of Pseudofolliculitis Barbae in patients with dark pigment in their skin can effectively be provided with long term results.

Hairaway Canada specialises in hair removal with the use of the most advanced medical lasers available in the market today. With 60,000 treatment procedures under the belt, you can rest assured you are in the most experienced hands around.

Give Hairaway Canada a try. You have nothing to lose but your unwanted hair.

1 comment:

  1. thanks so much for this this worlds great cos of people like you

